Tatatataaaaaa: Popsicle Pics!

Finally I remembered to take some pictures of my popsicle cakes or cake popsicles or whatever you want to call them.

I used my go-to recipe for chocolate muffins (you can find it here) and covered the popsicles with chocolate and sugar sprinkles.

And here are the pics:

16 thoughts on “Tatatataaaaaa: Popsicle Pics!

  1. Pingback: Popsicle Business | coffeerocketfairytale

  2. Pingback: Cake-sicle craziness | coffeerocketfairytale

  3. Hey Leanne,
    thank you for stopping by! I know, isn’t the nailpolish awesome? So glad I found it, it’s so easy to combine with all sorts of other colours and such an awesome spring colour, too!

  4. YUMMM-O!!!!! The cakes pops look delish, and I am loving the nail polish color, too! 😉

    Stopping by from Lady Bloggers. Off to look around at more!

  5. Hallo Bettina! Da war mein Timing ja mal wieder gut! 😉 Ja, ich denke, so ziemlich jeder Muffinteig wird sich dafür eignen… als nächstes möchte ich auch welche mit hellem Vanille-Teig machen und sie dann vielleicht in weiße Schokolade tauchen… Viel Spaß bei der WG-Grillparty!

  6. Hey Hannah, thank you for the kind words! If you want, let me know where I can find your blog so that I can check it out!

  7. Heyyy das ist mal ‘ne schnieke Idee!! Lässt sich mit Vanillemuffinteig und Lebensmittelfarbe bestimmt auch als ‘Light’version weiter entwickeln… 🙂 Kommt grad zeitlich perfekt, ich hab was Spezielles für die erste WG Grillparty gesucht 🙂

  8. Hiya, Just popped along from the lady bloggers society tea party – they look delish. I seem to have been dogged by cake pop style items this week – in fact i wrote a blog post about it, so I really will have to dip my toe in sometime soon.
    Great blog – I really enjoyed your monday messages

  9. Haha, if I only could…
    Wouldn’t it be awesome if we could share food via mail? So convenient…

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